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Wednesday, August 22, 2007


British Army having a giggle!

Love the toilet scene, pity Brownose was unavailable for that one! Perhaps next time he visits the chaps, as they have been far too nice to PM's in recent years!
Would be great to see the BBC news with soldiers stood around Brown looking bored out of their mind, dribbling or snoring as he bleats his lies, come on chaps he can't sack you as you have one job Eastern Europeans do not want!
what´s the one wiv the squaddies with this is the way to ammarillo
i know its on kontraband at manky monkey absolute class the lot of´ve got every right to say``i was in bagdad before you was in dads bag``that old one comes from the the WW1 from old tommies
sickner with a jock twat supporting england yesterday!
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