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Tuesday, December 19, 2006


We doubted our 45-minute WMD claim, admits Beckett!

Read this Disgusting!-If they knew that the WMD claim to be false why didn't anyone in the cabinet speak out against the war?-They must ALL equally share the burden of guilt with the blood of our servicemen on their unworthy and dirty hands!

Read also-Iraq failure has put Britain in greater danger

That is the problem! there seems to be no worthwhile leaders out there, Cameron is just jumping onto every bandwagon he can find just like blair did before he was elected! We need a completely different stlr of leader to pull this country out of the mire it has been dragged into, perhaps the only way is a far right wing government although we all know that would bring its own problems, all I know is this country cannot withstand any more of Labours attacks on its identity.
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