Monday, November 20, 2006
We need a Marshall Plan to beat the Taleban, Pakistan tells Blair!
Read this Tony Blair has given £500 MILLION of taxpayers money to Afghanistan for reconstruction and has promised another £480 MILLION!-How many more hospitals,policemen or council houses could that much money buy?-How much improvements could be made to our already over-strained transport system of roads and rail,overland and underground,how many more prisons could the Home Office build-Why doesn't he simply just flush our money down the toilet if he wants to waste it in this way,at least that will be a bit more honest than throwing it away on a country that has nothing to do with Britain's interests apart from wasting the lives of our servicemen on an American led "Crusade" under the false banners of "Democracy" and "Freedom" which in reality is about an oil and gas pipeline!
Read also-Anger at £7bn cost of war
Also-Throwing good money after bad governance
Also-Musharraf's balancing act warms things up