Tuesday, November 21, 2006
War in Iraq could turn Muslims to terrorism, says Reid!
Read this No shit Sherlock!-Talk about stating the obvious to score a "Browny point" against Tony Blair!-It's the beginning of the end for the "Politburo" of New Labour when the rats start leaving the sinking ship of this appalling government and start fighting amongst themselves!-And if Tony Blair isn't in "Denial" about Iraq and Afghanistan turning Muslims against us what other river in Egypt is he in?-The sooner this corrupt,incompetent,selfish,sleazy,arrogant,criminally negligent joke of government breathes its last breadth the better for us all!-Bring on the Tories hard and fast!-They may not be the nights in "Shining armour" that we all dream of but they certainly couldn't do any worse than the present load of idiots who currently have the bare faced gaul to call themselves a government!