Saturday, October 21, 2006
How bombers' town is turning into an enclave for Muslims!
Read this Close this mosque down and throw the scum who run it out of the country!The head brainwasher of this cesspit is telling parents that-"Allowing their children to mix with non-Muslims is an evil that is bringing ruin to the holy moral fabric of Muslim society"How can this be religious advice?This brainwashing,evil bigoted,medieval Bollocks of a religion is damaging the very fabric of British society and should not be allowed to flourish and spread its evil in the UK!The nutters who preach this sort of blatant treason should all be deported and any mosque that advocates extremist views should be closed down instantly!And as for this veiled opportunist who has now shown her true colours of extremism,well she should either shut up or ship out!If she doesn't like this country noone is forcing her to stay here!If she wants to live in the twelth century then she should go and live in a muslim country for a while and see how she likes it there!