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Tuesday, September 12, 2006


UK tops European drug use table!

Read this What a surprise!

"There have also been increasing signs that the Government wishes to be more tolerant of hard drug abuse"-That's because Gordon Brown is probably considering taxing it!

"Public money is to be used to fund four experimental 'shooting galleries' in which addicts will be invited to inject legally-provided heroin"-The only "Shooting galleries" we want to see is where the Drug dealers are shot by firing squad!

"Addicts will be able to get clean needles from a machine set up at a police station"-If they can find a Police station open after six pm!

"Sweden, where over the past two decades laws have been tightened so that drug abuse - not possession of a drug as in Britain - is a crime that can result in a jail term and where minor offences attract six month jail sentences"-Excellent idea however that would mean incarcerating half the cabinet's children and the heir to the throne!

"The change of the law on cannabis and the other signals sent out by the Government have encouraged people to use drugs"-Which will be sold with a massive VAT bill stuck on the end!

All this shows is that once again the "Politburo" has totaly failed by imposing "Political Correct,EU friendly,left wing" laws that encourage not deter drug use in Britain!Until the criminal justice system gets tough of drug scum the situation will continue to deteriate!What we need to do is follow Sweden's example-Zero tolerance on drugs,anyone caught using ANY drug should immediately go to jail and not pass go,without any chance of appeal or dodgy expensive lawyer tricks!Drug dealers should get the Death Penalty,because death is what they sell!The solution is simple and everyone I know agrees with me,however until we get a proper government with the moral fibre and backbone to carry out what needs to be done it can only get worse!

I say give drugs out free on the nhs! let the scumbags get their fix for nothing BUT no treatment on the nhs, this would stop drug crime as they dont need any money to get off their faces, no drug pushers, no drug barons and pretty soon no druggies because they will all die from their filthy habit! problem solved!
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