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Monday, September 11, 2006


Dad killed after confronting yobs

Read this Another decent man dies at the hands of coward scum!-What has this country turned into?When are we going to get enough police on the streets to protect us and more importantly a judge with the balls to put these scum behind bars for a proper length of time and a criminal justice system that doesn't pander to the criminals every need and instead protects society from crime with laws and sentences that actually make sense and punish wrongdoers,not reward them for their crimes!-BRING BACK HANGING for Muderers,Terrorists,traitors,Drug dealers,Rapists and Child molesters-Give them the punishment they deserving,death not life,that might be a good start and send out a signal that we will no longer tolerate crime in this country,however until we get a proper government with moral fiber and a backbone to realy do what's required to combat crime it's only going to get worse and innocent decent people like Alan Toogood are going to continual to suffer at the hands of coward scum!

If you also look at the linked story from it (about the mother charged with swearing at kids), that's just as outragious. Britian is becoming more and more crazy.
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