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Sunday, September 24, 2006


The council cemetery where Christians are given Muslim graves!

Read this How many times do I have to say it?-ENGLAND IS A CHRISTIAN COUNTRY!!!-Contrary to what Tony Blair and all his little Political Correct,Left Wing toadies would like us to think about 95% of the population is still of the Christian faith!(Maybe not actually practicing,but definitely brought up within its teaching and wanting to live within its structure)Why then do the "PC Brigade" still insist on trying to force feed the British public with inane,ridiculous politically motivated hogwash of this nature,pandering to a minority and ignoring the wishes of the majority,sacrificing our beliefs and customs on the altar of political correctness!What next I wonder?-Halal meat only in our shops,Our women to be forced to wear the Hijab or a separate Muslim police force for the Muslim communities now infesting this island? When is it going to end?-I bet Enoch Powell will be doing cartwheels in his proper Christian East facing grave at this latest revelation!Come back Enoch,all is forgiven!-We need someone like him now,with the moral and righteous conviction and the backbone and courage to stand up against this type of blatant discrimination against the indigenous population of Britain before the rot does finely set in and the Flagship of democracy that was once England sinks below the waves of political correct,left wing,Blairite dogma and England loses its identity forever!

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