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Friday, September 29, 2006


£100 spot fines to keep muggers out of court!

Read this Have they gone stark raving mad or have I slipped through the space-time continuem and woken up in an alternate universe where the law is made by criminals and only the innocent are punished?-Oh,silly me that's the policy of "New Labour" anyway,reward the guilty,with peerages,cabinet positions,suspended sentences and fines etc,and punish the innocent with outragious traffic laws and limitations,illegle taxes on inheritance and pensions and inane political correct,left wing,brainless dogma against common sense and the countries interest lining the pockets of Blair's toadies while destroying our national identity and freedom of speech,making the rich richer and the poor poorer and reducing the population to a slavish obedience of a big brother dictatorship by stripping away our rights and liberties and shackling us to the chains of repression and censureship that is the European Union!

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