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Tuesday, August 08, 2006


Householders could be charged per amount of rubbish produced!

Read this Unbelievable!-So now we're going to have the "Rubbish Police" hassling "Serial Crimianls" who forget to put their old Corn Flakes and Weetabix boxes in the right Eco-Friendly Bio degradable dustbin!What total,utter Bollocks!Have the Politburo's environment nutters got nothing better to do with their time than think up inane idears like this?Instead of trying to look after our enviroment they want to brand innocent people "Antisocial" and "Irresponsible" just if they happen to put an empty Stella can in the wrong bin-The phrase "Get a life" springs to mind!

Yet another back-door taxation scheme! they have to come up with these schemes to fund their ILLEGAL war and all the bloody social security benefits for the scroungers!
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