Saturday, July 22, 2006
Three-year-olds to be taught about gay relationships!
Read this! Are the N.U.T NUTS!-Do they actually listen to the words coming out of their mouths or are they so blinded to common sense and decency by "Political Correct" doctrine and propaganda that they don't understand the obscenity that they are proposing?Teach three year olds about gay relationships?-Nuaseating!Children lose their innocence soon enough these days anyway without having to confront and confuse them with images and thoughts of these obscene,disgusting and UNATURAL acts!We should be PROTECTING children from this sort of filth not encouraging it!Teachers have a huge responsibility and a sacred trust to mold our children into respectful,decent,law abiding members of society,If they want to teach this kind of obscenity what other sort of rubbish and filth are they filling our childrens head's with?The "PC Nazis" have gone too far,Gay relationships are not normal and I for one would not want any child of mine told any different!The sooner the spinelesss,PC idiots who falsely call themselves our government realise that most decent people don't like or tollerate the "Gay brigade" and find their actions disgusting and unaceptible in civilised society the better!