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Friday, July 14, 2006


'BNP members must not work as teachers,' union warns

Read this This cannot happen!-You cannot ban a person from any job purely because of his political beliefs,this is called Dictatorship!The BNP are a legally elected political party who have just as much right as Labour and the Tories to express their views and campaign under English law.To censure someone on the basis of his membership of any political party goes against the very fabric of our constitution and our freedom of speech.You may not like what someone is saying but you cannot take away his right to say it and be heard,that is the difference between democracy and dictatorship.The government controlled British press have never given the BNP a fair hearing,instead they've carried out a systematic slur campaign against them purely because of the BNPs refusal to compromise on the important issues of immigration and the loss of national identity within our country today.Enoch Powell was made a scapegoat almost 30 years ago when he attempted to warn the country of the dangers of mass,uncontrolled immigration and multi-culturism and he has been proved correct!The mainsteam partys have spinelessly avoided these isues for too long,chosing instead to play the insulting and lunatic "Poliical correct" card,to gain easy votes with the minorities.Only the BNP has had the moral courage to speak out against the endless flow of injustices daily heaped upon the hard working,English population in favour of a tiny minority of immigrants!I wholeheartily support the British National Party,to which I am a member,and pray that they do not give up the fight!

they are the only party that can save this country they are our last chance & we should give them one ive always voted tory never again though,as they will destroy this country as much as the labour has done to date, the BNP's got my vote from now on
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